Who says that hair loss occurs only on the natural hair? Actually hair loss does happen on the hair system as well. This is caused by bacteria and friction that the hair system encounters every day. Either of the two or when combined together will affect hair loss in the hair system however, this can be prevented so that the hair system will last longer.
Hair replacement system easily rubs off due to friction caused by the absence of Sebum which is natural oil that protects and lubricates the hair follicles from friction.Hair fall is caused by sleeping on a coarse material pillow case. Constant rubbing with the coarse fabric will cause hair breakage. The best way to avoid this is to use a satin fabric for your pillow case.Combing and brushing too often will cause hair fall, to avoid this, using of Spray Luster Mist which is a lubricating agent will keep the hair moist and reduces the friction between the hair and the comb.Bacteria cause the hair system hair loss. The most vulnerable part of the hair system are the knots because they hold and retain moisture, any build up will naturally break and weaken the hair shafts of the hair.

You can use Brandywine shampoos because it is made specifically for hair systems, both synthetic and human hair.Use a knot sealer as often as possible whenever you use hair styling products. We can not avoid using styling products to help the hair look good however, with constant use this tends to weaken the knots and will cause hair fall. The knot sealer slows down and stops hair loss while locking the hair knots to the base of the hair system.
Hair system is the best non surgical hair loss solution, this is the most natural method of giving back our hair however, but hair loss in the hair replacement system can be avoided is we only adhere to the proper caring of the hair replacement system.
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