Whether it’s a human hair wig or a relatively cheaper synthetic wig, after they have been worn for a long time, they can often experience issues such as dry hair or frequent knots and tangles.
Synthetic wigs need to be maintained with the correct synthetic haircare, and they shouldn’t be treated or maintained like human hair wigs.
Here we will cover some great tips that can help you to maintain your synthetic wigs!
How to Maintain Synthetic Wigs
1. Synthetic wigs can’t take the dye
Synthetic fiber can’t easily take dye like human hair. As synthetic hair does not have natural pigments in the fiber, regular hair dye cannot color the fiber. To dye a synthetic wig, only dyes specially designed for synthetic hair can be used.
2. Cut carefully
The good news is that synthetic wigs can be cut. Although synthetic fiber is harder than human hair, and so it is more difficult to cut. To trim your synthetic wig or change its style, it’s recommended to go to a professional stylist.
3. Ditch the hair products
Too many hair products, specifically hair lacquer-based products such as hairspray, hair gel, and hair wax can make synthetic fiber sticky, resulting in more frequent tangles. Once these hair lacquer products get on synthetic fiber, it’s difficult to get them off.
4. Go for synthetic-friendly shampoos and conditioners
As synthetic fiber is not like human hair, they need special shampoos and conditioners designed for synthetic fiber to wash and maintain. And for haircare, non-oily maintenance products are recommended to maintain the hair rather than regular hair oil or serum.
5. Not all synthetic fibers are heat friendly
Although they are all called synthetic wigs, there are several different types of synthetic wigs. There are many different synthetic fibers made from different materials that are used on different synthetic wigs. Some synthetic fibers, such as Futura, Tru2Life, RealTress, and Henlong are heat-friendly to temperatures under 350°F/180°C. In contrast, synthetic fibers such as polyester, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), acrylic, and Kanekalon are not heat-friendly and can’t be curled or straightened with heat tools.
6. Wash correctly
The less washing, the better for synthetic wigs. It is recommended to wash a synthetic wig every 10-15 wears or every 1-4 weeks. Go for synthetic shampoos and conditioners and use lukewarm water to soak the wig for 2-3 minutes with shampoo before washing. After washing, do not rub or wring the wig. Instead, gently squeeze the water out and blot dry.
7. Air dry
Like mentioned before, synthetic fiber is not like human hair. Some synthetic wigs are not able to be styled with heat. Frequently using hair dryers also makes synthetic wigs more likely to become frizzy or tangled. So, the best way to dry synthetic wigs is to air dry them on a wig stand (not wig heads as they can cause the cap to loosen out of shape).
“My human hair gets tangled after only a few washes. Why is that?” Here is one frequently asked question that been asked a lot by beginner alternative hair wearers.
Today let’s talk about human hair care.
Tangling and matting due to lack of can occur for a few different reasons: * Improper care * Rubbing against clothing
To avoid your wig get tangled and matted, we need to learn the proper way to wash your human hair pieces.
Here are five easy steps to follow to wash your alternative human hair pieces properly:
1. Detangle
To prevent shedding, comb hair starting from the ends.
2. Rinse
Use cold/lukewarm water and rinse from root to ends.
3. Shampoo
Massage product in hand to loosen shampoo, and then massage shampoo on the cap in circular motions. After that, use cold/lukewarm and rinse from root to ends, and then squeeze toe remove excess water. Please DO NOT wring the hair.
4. Condition
Towel blot the hair, and then apply conditioner and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing. Please DO NOT apply conditioner to the knot or root. After that, rinse human hair with cool water to seal the cuticle and add shine.
5. Blowdry
Put your human hair wig on the wig stand and blow dry it, and then put some hair serum on the hair.
How to care your alternative human hair properly?
Deep condition your human hair wig every 3-5 washes 1. Rember to use a sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse your human hair pieces. 2. Leave on a deep conditioner/mask on your human hair piece. Distribute through hair and comb. 3. Cover with plastic cap and blow-dry on low heat for 1-2 minutes and wait for 30 minutes. 4. Allow to cool and rinse. 5. Brush gently. 6. Use a boar bristle round brush to blow-dry. 7. Use heat treat thermal spray to protect from heat and proceed to style as desired. 8. Use hair serum spray to finish.
There are some things that you need to put into consideration to come up with the schedule that works for you and your hair. You need to consider the growth rate of your hair (i.e., new growth), your hair texture, your level of patience with your hair, and how often you style your hair.
1. New growth
The best time to do a retouch is after at least eight weeks. That will help in avoiding the overlapping of chemicals to the previously relaxed hair. Hair typically grows about a ½ inch a month. Waiting till you have at least an inch of new growth before relaxing is a good idea to consider. This will ensure the chemical is only applied to the new growth and allow enough room for it. If you only let ¼ inch of hair grow before going ahead to relax your hair, you run the risk of damage.
2. Hair texture
Your hair texture may also dictate how often you want to relax your hair. In some cases, if your hair texture is coarse you will feel the growth within a short time.
3. Level of patience
When you have mostly relaxed your hair over an inch of new growth, styling and caring for your hair can become a challenge. Washing, conditioning, and styling will all require that you spend extra time and extra attention to avoid breaking and damaging your hair. Considerably, it’s easier to want to retouch your hair with a relaxer more often. But relaxing your hair often, less than eight weeks interval, may cause even more breakage and damage to your hair.
4. Hairstyling schedule
Your hairstyling routine is the last point you should consider when thinking about a relaxer schedule. How do you like to wear your hair daily? If you like your hair to be super straight and hanging down, you may want to stick to a rigid relaxer touch-up schedule like 6 – 8 weeks. If you are okay with big, fluffy hair and wavy roots, then you can go ahead and create a more extend relaxer schedule for your hair.
Relaxing your hair after removing a hair extension
Hair that has just been removed from extensions is usually weak and lacks in protein, so to go ahead and relax it the same day can cause an inevitable disaster. When you remove your hair from extensions, you should first detangle your hair, wash it, and then condition it with a protein deep-conditioner and wait till at least, one week before relaxing. Also, when washing your hair, ensure you wash your hair in sections or in single braids to prevent matting and tangles. Giving your hair one week after removing an extension before relaxing will also help your scalp recuperate.
Here are also some things you should know before and after relaxing your hair. 1. Relaxed hair is weaker than natural hair and therefore you should only relax your hair if it’s healthy. If your hair is already fragile, relaxing it can damage it severely.
2. Do not relax your hair immediately or too soon after you have washed it or agitate the scalp. Relax your hair at least one week after you’ve washed it. That will give your scalp enough time to generate enough natural lubricant to help to protect it during the relaxing process.
3. You should always use a hair relaxer that is gentle on your scalp and hair. Relaxers come in 3 strengths: mild, regular, and super. Understanding the texture of your hair before choosing a relaxer will help you make a suitable choice.
4. Avoid all curly hairstyles a week before relaxing and ensure your hair is straight and detangled.
6. After relaxing your hair, do not install a weave or any braids for up to 2 weeks, because your hair at this point cannot withstand the tension caused by extensions.
7. Relaxing hair usually leads to dryness, so endeavor to moisturize your hair regularly.
It’s always advisable to consider time more than the amount of growth when it comes to relaxing hair. Always make use of a relaxer that is gentle and will always leave your hair strong and bouncy.
Remember also, that treating your hair is necessary to maintain the protein and moisture balance. As we know, relaxers work by breaking down some of the protein bonds in our hair. If hair that is protein deficient is relaxed, it will become fragile or even damaged after the relaxer process. A fragile or damaged hair cannot withstand daily wear and tear and is susceptible to breakage. It is, therefore, necessary to prepare for relaxing by ensuring your hair is not lacking in protein. Hair should be washed and deep-conditioned with a protein conditioner a week before it is relaxed.
The beauty of hair pieces (extensions and toppers) is in their ability to blend not only with your natural hair color and density but also your hair length. Making sure your hairpieces blend with your natural hair length will make it look more natural and undetectable.
Sometimes, hairpieces come too long or wispy at the ends, which makes them look detectable when there are worn. Cutting or trimming your hair extensions and toppers allows you to customize them exactly to your wants and needs and also enables them to blend better into your own hair.
Usually, we would recommend that you take your hairpieces to a professional stylist to trim, but we are aware that that’s presently almost impossible due to the current pandemic. Therefore, we have developed this article that explains how you can cut or trim your hairpieces by yourself, right in your comfort of your home.
To start, you should ensure that you:
Have sharp hair cutting scissors. Using blunt or kitchen scissors (or any other kind) can cause breakage and split ends.
Make sure that your hair extension or topper is clean and dry. A wet hair extension or topper will prevent the hair scissors from trimming steadily and accurately.
Put your extension or topper where they will normally go.
Have a mirror large enough to see your full hair length with your hairpieces.
For extensions, you can level them. You can use a Sharpie or number the clips.
Blend your extensions or topper into your hair by straightening your hair with your hairpiece already in place.
First, you should decide how much length (if any) you are going to take off. Then, you should also decide if you want a blunt cut, a ‘V’ cut, or a straight, natural cut.
Split your hair down the centre and bring the sections to the front.
Working on one side, using your fingers and a comb, gather your hair and trim or cut desired length. Use your fingers to guide the cut.
Repeat the same action on the other side.
Make sure you sure a sharp hair cutting scissors and trim in front of a mirror where you can see your hair length with the extension.
To blend the extension to your hair, feather cut or point cut by cutting into the ends at an angle.
Check to see if everything is even by re-straightening your hair.
For face framing layers
Separate the front sections of your hair. Use your ears as guide. Section away the hair behind your ears. Then, razor cut into the front section, just below your natural hair length to blend together. You can also use a sharp razor blade is this case to give fine slant trims. But be careful not to cut yourself with it.
hair toppers
For Toppers
When trimming your topper, straighten your entire hair by combing them down, after you’ve installed the topper onto your hair. Using your fingers and comb, gather a section of your hair and measure out the length of your natural hair. Then with a pair of sharp hair scissors, trim off additional lengths from the topper as desired (more ideally, a quarter of an inch longer than your natural hair) . Repeat the same action all round to achieve a more blended result.
You can also part your hair down the middle and bring the sections to the front, to enable you trim them adequately. Do not forget to also chop in after cutting, to make it look less blunt and more natural.
With the above tips, you should be able to trim your hairpieces confidently. If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, you can ask a relative or anyone with you to help you.
Finally, you should ensure to take your time when trimming your hair pieces, especially if you’re not yet used to doing it yourself.
I bet you already know that there are so many hair types but you are unsure of the type of hair you have. This piece would solve the mystery for you. It would uncover the different types of hair and how to identify them making it easier to determine your hair type without stress. Most times, hair types are not discussed because no matter the individual’s hair type, there are certain things she must do to take good care of her hair.
There are different hair typing systems such as LIOS, Andre Walker Hair typing system and FIA’s hair typing system. Of all the typing systems, Andre Walker’s tying system is the most popular and commonly used. Note that this does not imply that her typing system is the best. This article would touch the different hair typing systems
• Andre Walker Hair Typing System
In his book titled “Andre Talks Hair”, Andre established his hair typing system. She defined four hair types:
Type 1: Straight hair
Generally, Type 1 hairs are straight in nature. Andre further classifies them into three segments:
Type1A – the straight hair type that is very thin, fine and very soft. Its shine is also very noticeable.
Type 1B – this type of straight hair has a medium texture. It also has more volume than type 1A
Type 1C – this straight hair resists curly styling. It also has a coarse feel as compared to types 1A and B.
Type 2: The wavy Hair
Type 2 hairs are moderate in oil content. They are not too oily and not very dry. They are in between the Type 1 and Type 3.
The categories include:
Type 2A: This wavy hair is not just thin but fine. It accepts any styling – you can easily curl or straighten it.
Type 2B: The waves of this hair type assumes the shape of the head and sit that a well-fitted crown.
Type 2C: This wavy hair is coarse and tends to frizz easily.
Type 3: The curly hair
Type 3 hair is curly and the hair texture is a clear “S” shaped curl pattern. It is also noticeable in this hair type that it doesn’t shine as the Type 2 or Type 2 hairs. It has its categories as:
Type 3A – This curly hair is shiny and loose.
Type 3B – The amount of curl it has is at a moderate level ranging from bouncy ringlets to tight corkscrews.
Type 3C – This curly hair has tight coils or curls that look like the corkscrews.
Type 4: The Kinky hair
This is a full tightly curled hair otherwise known as kinky. It is extremely curled and fragile. Most times, kinky looks coarse but the truth is that it is strands of fine hair densely packed together. This is the type of hair commonly found in African Americans’ hair. It is further classified as:
Type 4A- this kinky has full tight coils. When you stretch it, it has a visible “S” pattern just like type 3 curly hair.
Type 4B – this kinky does not have a well-defined pattern like Type 4A. The face appearance is like the letter “Z”. That has sharp angles at its bends.
• The LIOS Hair Typing System
It wouldn’t be a falsehood if you say that LIOS Hair Typing System is dying slowly even though many naturals advocate for it more than the popular Andre Walker Hair Typing System.
The LIOS hair typing system is used by many because of its simplicity.
This hair typing system defined hair using these three attributes
1. Hair pattern
2. Hair strand size
3. Hair texture
Hair pattern
The pattern of the hair is defined by the letters LOIS:
L – You are said to be pattern “L” if your hair has so many right angles and bends almost without a curve.
O – You are said to be pattern “O” if the coils or curls on your hair are very significant and look like the letter “O”.
I – If there is no visible curves or bends on your hair and the hair lies flat on your head, you are a pattern “I”.
S – Those with pattern “S” have their hair strands as “S” shapes waves or curls.
Note that it is possible for one to have more than one LOIS hair pattern. In this case, you can combine the LOIS letters that define your hair to determine the hair pattern.
Hair Strand Sizes
This means identifying the size of your hair strand using a strand of thread. It is classified as:
Thin hair strand – when your strand is smaller than a piece of sewing thread
Medium hair strand – When your strand is the size of the piece of sewing thread
Thick hair strand – when the strand of your hair is larger than the piece of the sewing thread.
Hair texture
The hair texture can be any of the following:
Thready – This has a bright shine but with a low sheen. This hair texture easily gets wet and doesn’t frizz easily.
Wiry – This texture has a glossy appearance but little shine. It is difficult for the hair to get fully wet.
Cottony – This texture frizz easily. it has a low sheen and shines brightly.
Silky – This also has a low sheen but with a bright high shine. It gets wet easily.
Spongy – this hair texture has a high sheen but a low shine. It absorbs water easily just like a sponge.
Note that to accurately depict your LIOS hair type, you must wash your hair thoroughly to ensure that no hair products are left on the hair. Alternatively, you can remove a strand from your hair, wash and rinse it in cold water. Allow it to dry without touching it and get your LOIS hair type with it.
• Fia’s Hair Typing System
This typing system seems to spread through Andre Walker Typing system and incorporates some of the LOIS Hair Typing system as well.
FIA’s Hair Typing system is classified into three
1. Curls definition – this is the same as in Andre Walker system’s Types 1 – 4.
2. The general appearance of most of the hair stands – this is similar to the hair strand sizes in the LOIS. The difference is the terminology.
3. The volume of the hair – this checks the volume of the hair. To test this, tie your hair in a ponytail and measure the circumference using a soft tape.
If the circumference is less than 2 inches, you have a thin volume
Circumference between 2 – 4 inches depicts a normal volume
Circumference greater than 4 inches has a thick volume.
With the above information, it would be a piece of cake to figure out your hair type using any of the given typing systems.
Do you ever wonder why it always seems like your wig doesn’t listen to you? Let’s say you had a crazy week and you got to use your wig every day because your natural hair just won’t do it, you still have to prepare for next week but your wig is giving you all the wrong signals. It’s dry to the touch, frizzy and worse tangled or matted at the nape from overuse without proper styling. Whew! That is a lot to take in and you definitely do not want that kind of energy in the new week.
The thing about wigs whether human hair wigs or synthetic is that you just got to put in the work. And the truth is it isn’t a lot of work either. There are a lot of reasons why your wig could become dry and frizzy or even tangled and a lot of times these can be avoided with proper caretaking. We’re here to show you some of these reasons and to give you remedies that can help your situation.
• Storage
human hair wig
While it is possible that your wig could suffer from overuse or become dry and frizzy from the lack of care, it is also possible that all of these could be a factor of underuse. A lot of times people have wigs and really only use them on occasions because they want to have a change of look. While this is applaud-worthy, you should also consider proper storage of your wigs when they’re not in use for long periods of time. So, it is safe to say that your wig could get dry and frizzy and even tangled because of neglect and improper storage.
Usually, wigs are better off on wig heads and as this gives it a lot of ventilation and really just keeps the wig in place without fear of tangle. However, when wigs stay on wig heads for long periods of time, they could get dusty, dry up and become frizzy. You would need to get it washed and properly moisturized to get back its shine. It’s the same with your natural hair when you neglect it for long periods on end, it is likely to become coarse and dry and you may start losing your hair in the process. Everything needs an amount of commitment and care and wigs are definitely part of them.
• Moisture
Your natural hair is affixed to your head and your hair gets a lot of moisture from your body. You definitely cannot say the same for wigs which are more artificial. Whether synthetic or a human hair wig, they all need moisture to maintain a certain level of shine and texture. While human hair wigs are more natural and may need a smaller amount of products, with synthetic wigs, you will need to go the whole nine yards. So, something of importance is moisturizing your wig as much as possible to keep it from getting dry.
When we talk of moisture, we don’t just mean products as a lot of products on the wig may just make it heavy and dirty. What you need is light products just to maintain moisture without affecting its texture. There are instances where people go around with water in a spray bottle and just spray it on their hair during the day just to maintain the moisture in the hair in harsh weather conditions. This isn’t a bad idea because using a lot of products on the hair could be disastrous to the wig.
• Styling
This is another factor that can make your wig dry and frizzy. Apart from wrong storage and lack of moisture, excessive heat styling can be a problem for your wig. Sometimes when you subscribe to heat styling every other day, the wig could get burnt as this is a natural effect and when this happens, getting the wig to its original state may be difficult. Curling machines, straighteners, heat rollers cause a lot of frizz by burning the hair. So, you should as much as possible avoid a lot of heat styling and just let your wig breathe.
• Hair Products
Granted that there are hair products that can do wonders for the hair, there are also a lot more that can cause irreparable damages. This is what you need to avoid. There are a lot of chemicals and alcohols in hair products and your goal should be to avoid those because they strip the hair of oils and leave it dry and therefore causing frizz. So as much as possible when shopping for hair products for your wig, try to stick to nature-based products as these are mild to the hair. Remember that a lot of products on the hair will leave it looking greasy and heavy. Invest in detanglers and anti-frizz serums that you could apply after shampooing your hair.
These will help you keep the wig in good condition. Ultimately, watch what you put on your wig. If you can’t use it on your natural hair, chances are that they are not suitable for your wig.
• Care Generally
A lot of times dirt accumulation in the hair could cause frizz and dryness and that’s why it is advised to wash your wigs frequently. If you do not do this, you risk having problems because your natural hair underneath the wig also suffers. Keeping the wig clean is for yourself entirely. When hair is washed frequently, whether wig or natural hair, it will eventually develop split ends so you should get your wig trimmed occasionally so as to keep it in good condition. You should think of your wigs as an investment that you ought to take seriously.
Wigs are an essential part of our daily lives, at least for those who indulge and like every other thing we hold dear, we should take out time to care for them properly. That being said, adherence to these tips will elongate the lifespan of your wig and keep it looking new.
While most people think hair loss only affects men, this is not true. Hair loss in women is just as a concern as it in men. If you are one of these women who is experiencing balding then this article will give you some insight into some of the causes that may be contributing to this condition. What causes hair loss in women?
Loss can be caused by a number of things. One of the main things that cause this condition is hormonal imbalances and medical conditions. Hormones keep the body functioning normally, it affects a woman’s mood and many other things in the body. When hormones become imbalanced they tend to show on the outside. One of these things can be balding.
women baldness
There are many medical conditions and treatments that can cause this condition. One such thing is the treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, when used, has been proven to make it fall out. Other medical conditions may be thyroid problems, anorexia, anemia, bulimia, diabetes and many others. Hair can fall out either from these conditions themselves or by the medication that is taken to help it.
There are many things that can trigger hair loss. One common problem is chemical breakage causing hair loss in cosmetics. Women all around the world use many different chemicals on their heads. These are usually hard shampoos, dyes, coloring dyes, bleaching and many other additives that are put through their scalp. These chemicals have been known to reduce the life of your hair causing it to remove from the scalp. These are another cause for balding in women.
Women are the most vulnerable when it comes to hair loss through cosmetics. Hair loss through cosmetics is usually the result of improper use of treatment chemicals.
In cosmetics, there are some treatment chemicals such as relaxers. Relaxers function in such a way that they break the structural bonds of curly thus making it much straighter. Relaxing chemicals are to be mixed in the right proportions and the amount of time the hair is to be exposed to the relaxer should never be exceeded. If a relaxer is too concentrated there are risks that the scalp will be burnt and the hair splits and breaks. Hair relaxer chemicals can irritate the skin on the scalp causing the hair follicles to shed hair. This results in hair thinning and development of hair patches. Hair relaxers have to be applied by professional hairdressers to avoid damage to hair. After treatment with a relaxer it is advisable to use a shampoo that neutralizes to ensure the relaxer chemical is completely removed.
Another common problem of chemical breakage causing loss is the dying of hair. Some dyes affect the properties making it become more brittle. As a result of this, hair becomes more prone to breakage during combing.
There are also other chemicals that can cause breakage, which is outside cosmetics. Good examples of such chemicals are chemicals such as chlorine in swimming pool water. The mixture of chlorine and saltwater from the pool remove sebum from the hair. The result is that after a swim hair becomes dry and brittle. If we do not shampoo after a swim we are at risk of increasing the chances of breaking.
There are other chemical products such as styling gels and oils that people apply to soften it. Some of these chemicals in the presence of ultraviolet radiation breakdown to form substances that can either irritate the skin or disrupt the structure of the hair. When the skin is irritated by these chemicals hair follicles will be disrupted causing reduced hair growth and increased breakage.
To sum up, the whole issue caused by chemical breakage, it wise to let only professional dressers handle. If you do happen to encounter any loss problems due to chemicals, it is possible to solve them with some drugs and treatments that are available on the market. Never experiment with your hair, for hair is very sensitive and any stress applied to it will cause it to stop growing. It is advised that all chemical treatments be done after making sure the hair is thoroughly cleaned and washed. This is very important as it helps remove things like dandruff which can mix with hair chemicals and irritate the scalp, therefore affecting growth.
Recent studies have shown that stress and psychical tension trigger hormonal reactions in the body, causing hair loss. Stress increases the concentration of hormones such as cortisol and testosterone, which affects the hair roots. This condition is temporary if the person affected is not predisposed to genetic or Androgenic Alopecia.
The lack of nutrients and vitamin deficiency lead to temporary hair loss. In order to be healthy, our hair needs protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals. Your daily diet should include various foods and provide all the necessary nutrients. Otherwise, your hair follicles won. ‘t be able to function normally.
Adopting a diet full of nutrients stimulates hair growth; it. ‘s recommended to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, egg yolks, almonds, whole grains, seeds, oily fish, light meat and diary products. Give up smoking, alcohol, and caffeine. Avoid eating foods that contain too much salt, saturated fat and preservatives, because these substances have harmful effects on your hair.
You might be losing your hair because of stress. Researchers have shown that cortisol and testosterone levels are increased by stress. The good news is that hair loss can be treated successfully as long as you ‘re not suffering from androgenic alopecia.
What about hair styling products? Is it safe to use gels, mousse, leave-in conditioners, hot oils, hair enhancers and dyes? Well, you can use them anytime, but only if you opt for quality products. The harsh chemicals contained by most dyes and hair enhancers can dry the hair strands excessively.
Now you understand why is so important to know what causes hair loss. Once you have identified the cause, you should start taking measures. Follow a balanced diet, give up smoking and avoid stressful situations.
Now you know what causes hair loss. In most cases, it’s enough to adopt a healthy diet and use reputable products in order to maintain your hair healthy. However, if this condition persists, it’s indicated to ask for medical advice immediately.
We’ve all watched our favorite celebrities show up on red carpets and awards looking glam for the paparazzi. From their hair to their clothes, everything looks good. Whether it is Ariana’s sleek ponytail or Selena’s glossy locks, we envy their full hair and wonder what products they use to maintain it correctly. They use something alright, and it’s called hair extensions.
hair extensions
Hair extensions are the worst kept secret in Hollywood. Models, actresses and everyone in between have all relied on these magical savers to enhance their hair for events, and they aren’t ashamed to let us know.
Recently, Selena Gomez let her fans know that the slightly fuller hair she sported at a recent award was all courtesy of hair extensions. Thankfully we’ve all moved on from the time when using hair extensions was frowned upon and women who used it were branded with the scarlet letter.
Today, hair extensions have gained so much popularity and acceptance that pretty much everyone wants in on that action. However, no matter how much popularity hair extensions have gained, making hair extensions look natural will always be a burden.
Because of this need, there are human hair extensions and several ways of fixing them to ensure that the effect is as natural as possible while the attachment looks seamless.
Can Hair Extensions really be invisible?
Even with all of these new models of fixing hair extensions, the burning question remains, can hair extensions really be invisible?
Is it possible to have fuller hair by cheating with extensions and nobody would be able to tell? There is good news. Yes, you can have hair extensions that are invisible to other people, and you can finally enjoy all the great hair compliments.
The invisibility of hair extensions depends on a few things.
Type of Hair Extension
Method of Fixing Hair Extension
Colour Match
The type of hair extension you use is a significant factor when it comes to having invisible hair extensions. There are two different types of hair extensions available.
100% human hair extensions cost a pretty penny or two, but in the long run, they are worth every single cent. It’s better to get the human hair extensions for several reasons:
Human extensions don’t tangle as much as the synthetic ones
Human Hair fits better and more perfectly with your natural hair.
Matching the client’s hair tone is possible with human hair. The methods of fixing the human hair extensions allow for multi-toned attachments to match the client’s hair tone better.
Synthetic Hair Extension
Synthetic Hair extensions are very shiny and look soft when you first fix them. However, they can easily tangle over time, leaving them messy and unaligned with your natural hair. Synthetic hair is a no-no for you if you have plans of fixing extensions that will last anywhere from a few weeks to a month.
That said if you have no other choice but to use synthetic hair, go with Remy. They make the best synthetic hair that lasts for long and retains its great look. The disadvantages of synthetic hair that make it the wrong choice if you want invisible hair extensions include
They are too shiny
If your natural hair doesn’t have that luster that everyone searches for in a bottle, synthetic Hair extensions will give the game away. Your natural hair would be unable to match their shine.
They cannot be styled with heat
Getting hair extensions that can’t be teased into curls or styled into sleek straight hair isn’t worth if you want invisible hair extensions.
The methods used to fix synthetic hair are different from those used to fix human hair. These methods don’t create provision for matching the right toned extension with the client’s hair tone.
Method of Fixing Hair Extension
The method of fixing the hair extension is another factor that determines how invisible your hair extensions would look. Note that the method of Fixing hinges on the type of attachment point that comes with the hair extensions.
Certain hair extension types and their corresponding fixing methods encourage the whole invisible look while others don’t. Here are hair extension types and fixing methods that make your extensions invisible.
Glue bond / Keratin / Polyurethane Method
Cold Fusion Method
Tape-In Method
The Invisible Tape-In Hair Extension
Tape-In Hair extensions have been around for a long time now, but they have done more harm than good for people’s natural hair. Two years after it came out, Vixen and Blush, one of the best hair extension salons in the UK came up with their version of the Tape-In Hair extension.
Theirs is dubbed the invisible Tape-In Hair extension because of how seamless, and perfectly natural the hair looks after fixing. Using their special Tape-In weft, they make the best invisible extensions around.
Colour Match
The first step to having invisible hair extensions is a perfect color toned match. Whenever you see a person with a bad hair extension, you’d notice because the extensions don’t fit their natural hair colors. Perhaps they just don’t blend perfectly.
Colour Match is very important. And that’s why you need to have a proper consultation with your hairstylist to decide which extension will perfectly match your natural hair. My advice is to go to credible stores like Vixen and Blush so you can be sure you’re getting quality. , if you can afford it go for human hair extensions because they are easier to color code to your natural hair.
The hair is an important part of a person’s appearance, and we should take care of them the way we take care of our clothes and shoes.
Get hair extensions that look invisible and wouldn’t damage your hair. You must seek consultation before deciding what type of hair extension to use. A consultation takes care of color matching and gives you a better chance to have a thoroughly invisible hair extension.
We know there are lot of people who are struggling with their fine or thin hair. So today, let’s talk about the Do’s for managing Fine/Thin Hair.
1.Easy does it.
Try to be as gentle as possible to your hair. Fine hair is much more fragile than thick healthy hair. When you shampoo your hair, remember to gently massage your hair and scalp instead of roughly rubbing it because it’s easy to damage the hair-especially when it’s wet.
2.Conditioning the ends of your hair.
Please try to avoid putting too much conditioner around your hair roots because this can flatten your hair more easily as the more treatment products that touch your roots, the more weight that is added, and your hair will eventually become flatter. This is why we make sure to only condition from the level of our ears on down, making sure to rinse it and leave the top half completely free of hair conditioner.
3.Cold water.
We know it sounds a bit cruel, but using cold water works very well for me. When we take a shower,we usually try to shower with not very hot water (which is really not good for your hair). We always use lukewarm water when we take a shower, and then we turn the tap to cold and rinse all the conditioner out of our hair. We feel that this process helps me to seal everything and is a lot healthier for my hair. We know that process requires suffering a little pain at the time, but it will make a difference.
4.Gently Brush.
Please gently brush your hair from the top of your head (NOT from your roots) to the end of it by using a wide tooth comb.
5.Choose the right HAIR PRODUCT/HAIR TOPPER at UniWigs.com Hair toppers are new creative hair products which can help you to add hair volume on the top of your head. You can find many helpful reviews of UniWigs toppers as well as tutorials on their YouTube channel.
Find more how to tips video in our official YouTube Channel: @uniwigs
As newcomers to hair toppers, there are many things that we would like to know and many things we should be aware of. Here is the number one question that UniWigs’ customers usually ask about hair toppers.
Number 1: I have been suffering from hair loss for years now, so how can I choose the right topper for myself?
This question has been frequently asked because most customers are new to this product. They never realized that there is a product which can be meant specially for them except for the wigs and extensions. So, how can you choose a perfect topper? What should you know before making the decision?
1.You have to know how severe your hair loss is.
If you only have a thinning parting line, or you don’t have any serious hair loss at all and just want to add to your hair volume, congratulations! You have plenty of options at the base size and construction. Toppers are designed not only for those who are hair loss sufferers, but also for those who would like to have a better volume or a perfect hairstyle for occasions such as weddings or parties.
However, if you do suffer from major hair loss, your choice of toppers would be limited to only larger base toppers. And the size of the topper depends on the degree of your hair loss, so how can you determine it? Please check out this video which may help you out,
2. In addition to determining the base size, you should know which type of construction would be the best-suited to your needs.
Let’s take UniWigs for example. There are a wide variety of base construction options such as silk top, mono topper and lace topper. So, what’s the difference between these various types?
Normally, all of them share the function of completely and effectively covering up the hair loss area.
The silk top has the best invisible base which is just like our own scalp. However, it is extremely thick and will prove to be sweaty as well.
The mono topper is familiar to us because it has been used as the wig of choice for cancer patients It is softer than a silk top and has a good parting line.
The lace topper, which has the best price in 3 of them, has a front lace that has to be trimmed. Because of this, it is not usually the first option or the beginner.
3.Choosing the right color.
After determining the base size and base construction, we come to the hair color.
Hair color is the most important factor to consider for hair toppers because we have to make sure it matches the color of our natural hair, or it has the perfect style which can match our face frame and skin tone.
If you are not sure about the way to choose the hair color, there are 2 methods to solve it.
1. By sending a hair sample to them. This would be the easiest way, but it takes a longer time.
2. By ordering a color ring from their website. Then you can return the color ring to them after placing the order for a full refund.
3. By choosing a natural black topper and getting it dyed. Please be aware that only the natural black can be bleached, and that all of the other colors can only be dyed into darker tone.
4. By making a custom order. You also can send them a picture with the color that you would love to make, and they will quote the price for you. However, the custom-made product cannot be returned, so you have to make sure before ordering.
4 . How to choose the right length
For the straight item, you can choose the length according to the picture shown below:
For the wavy topper the hair length should be measured from the hair root to the hair bottom when the hair is set straight. The curly and wavy wigs have been produced from straight wigs, so for the same length, a curly or wavy wig will be shorter by 1″-2″ than the straight wig.
*It varies depending on how deep the curl is.
After confirming all of the above, you can have a better idea about which hair topper is the one that’s ideal for you. Please be aware that sometimes everything is perfect with the topper, except for the fact that it doesn’t fit you properly. Because of this unfortunate fact, UniWigs is now planning for an offline store, which would be a good development for those who are new to toppers.