How will you feel when you first wear a wig?

Hairstyle is so important, isn’t it? So what’s your feeling when you first were a wig? Let’s check people’s reaction when they first wear a wig:

 1.”I love fake hair, so this was a fun experiment for me. The roots on the wig were no joke, but I thought it actually looked pretty good on. ” ​—Elisa  

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2.”I felt hot in the wig, by which I mean that I immediately began sweating along my brow line. I have never had long hair before and certainly don’t plan to again because it felt like there were curtain drapes on my face — and they were itchy, stale, glass noodle curtain drapes, specifically.​” ​—Alex


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3.”I felt like (A) I definitely have a huge head, (B) long, one-length hair is kind of awesome and made me feel strong, and (C) wigs are weird​.” ​—Emily

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4.”It was really ticklish! I found myself stroking the hair a little more than usual because the texture was so different from my hair — it was soft, and I felt a little like I was a Labradoodle with mermaid-length fur.” Helin


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5. “I felt like a Viking. That is all.” ​—Robert


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