You may have saw our post named “Christmas Sale 2017” before, but do you know that the sale will be end on 25th, DEC. That’s means it will be end in 5 days later, maybe less when you find this post. Today, here we not only want to tell you to hurry up in case miss this big sale, but also tell you more things you may don’t about UniWigs Christmas Sale 2017.
1. For the toppers, we offer a much bigger discount for all the hair loss women, you can get 25% OFF with code CS25, save more than code CMASTREE20.
2. For the LaVivid Wigs, much more discount you can get: CS30 to get 30% OFF for all of them. Which means you can save up to 78$ for each.
3. Also for the 100% human hair wigs, we will special offer 30% OFF for a unique one every week with different codes, if you are a human hair wigs daily wearer, you should really keep your eyes on our website to save about 200$-$300 for each of them.