Today is the day Donald J. Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States in Washington. Trump maintained the typical image on the Inauguration Ceremony as usual—black suit, miserable look and the eye-catching flowing sparse “beautiful hair”.

Referring to Donald Trump, I believe the name of another person would occur to you immediately. That’s King Henry VIII of England. In addition to a few similarities in their family background and political career, their characters are surprisingly similar. Henry enjoyed the attention of beautiful women. “He engaged in serial marriage, but in contrast to Trump, his divorces were hard won, so much so that beheading became another option for ridding himself of a troublesome wife. Like Trump, Henry enjoyed the adulation of the crowd; he liked nothing better than to appear at a joust or royal parade,” says Virginia Mason Vaughan, professor emerita and research professor in the Department of English at Clark University in Worcester, Mass.
Of course, both had multiple wives. Henry VIII married 6 women. One died, one survived, two divorced and two beheaded. Lucky of the wive’s of Trump. At least none of them lost their heads over divorce. However, all of them had something in common—wearing glossy long hair. Henry VIII’s six wives all wore red-golden hair or dark brown hair; for Donald Trump’s three wives, except the current wife with a dark brown hair, the other two are both blonde hair. This King of England seemingly preferred dark-hair ladies. Ivana Trump was Donald Trump’s first wife. The couple married in 1977. Bangs were Ivana’s standard hairstyle, either wearing a bun or handing down. Ivana always kept her straight or slanting bangs.
Donald Trump’s second wife was Marla Maples, who undoubtedly liked three-to-seven layered hair whose length was to shoulder. This hairstyle made her full of well-educated beauty. It should be noted that Donald Trump married Marla Maples in December 1993, the result of an extra-marital affair.
His current wife, Melania Knauss, wears charming dark brown hair. She was originally a model. The good look and sexy figure finally attracted Trump. Nevertheless, someone pointed out Melania’s academic background was fabricated and her speech script during the general election was a copy of Michelle Obama’s.
Well, except these, another highlight of Donald Trump is his henhouse-like hairstyle. Na matter where he goes, it must be the focus of the crowd. Trump’s life in meme picture! Maybe that’s why he always favored women with BIG hair!