Dying a synthetic wig is very different from dying human hair wigs. Dying your synthetic hair wig in a correct manner is like a dream come true. While dying a hair wig, it is usually advised to have all the right materials on hand to ensure the process goes relatively smoothly. This also applies for dying a synthetic hair wig.
So what will you need?
1.Synthetic Wig that is heat resistant.
2.Fabric dye of your choice.
3.A flat plastic comb.
4.Pot and stove.
5.Old clothes maybe.
6.A pair of surgical (latex or rubber) gloves.

So, what are the steps to dye a synthetic wig?
1.Set up your Wig Stand on a dry, newspaper-covered, flat and stable surface. The dyeing process may be really messy, so it’s best to choose an area that’s far away from any valuables.
2.Place your wig on the Stand and put on your gloves. Put on an old outfit that you don’t care about in case some of the dye gets on your clothing.
3.Mix a 1:1 ratio of alcohol-based ink and water in a spray bottle. If you’re wanting to go for a more translucent pastel shade, such as mint green, you can add more water.
4.The original color to a large degree determines the result. White or blonde synthetic hair is quite easy to dye compared to much darker colors. But dark synthetic hair cannot be dyed to a lighter or white color. Therefore, choose a wig that you want, as long as it’s a light color, such as white, light blonde, silver, or a pastel shade.
5.Start by dyeing the top layer of hair that’s visible when the wig is parted naturally. Take your spray bottle and spray your dye 3-5 times in a single area to coat a section of about 2-3 inches (5.1-7.6 cm) wide. Dig your fingers into the root area and wiggle them from side to side as you bring them down through the hair. Run your hands through the section 2-3 times to ensure that it gets completely coated.
6.After you’ve sprayed every section of hair with dye and tried to spread it out as much as possible with your hands, the hair may still not look completely uniform. To finish evening out the dye application, use a wide-tooth comb to comb through the hair from the roots to the tips all the way around the head.
7.After you’re done dying your wig, set it outside somewhere in the sun and let it dry completely. This usually takes about 2-3 hours, but may take longer if your wig is especially long or thick.
8.Once your wig feels dry to the touch, take it to a sink and turn on the water. Rinse your wig until the water in the sink is completely clear, and no longer has traces of the ink color.
9.Detangle your wig with a wide-tooth comb. Spray the wig with a synthetic hair conditioner, which you can find at your local beauty supply store.
Some of the tips are from Wikihow.com. Hope these tips can help you achieve your dream of dyeing a synthetic wig to a cool fashion color.