Everywhere in the vastness of Moscow, the air is nipping with the intensity of chilled vodka while the days grow shorter and the nights longer. Known to the rest of the world as a center of budding capitalism, the diaspora of creative minds and talent has rendered a new city unmatched by it’s former ideals.

The mood hasn’t changed, but realities have brightened. Limitless, freedom, emotional-And a touch of desire. Tone’s of red denoting the power and glory of the former regime has cooled to sensual shades of pink.

Finding reflections of the past- Viewing the future through a woman’s glory…Recounting innocence lost while taking the world to the edge of innovation and independence.

Buried for centuries and hardened under the cold pressures of society; the shades of former glories are renewed with liberal tones of grace and beauty. Stereotypes have been lost to history as a new era of feminine dominance marches across the culture.

The wonderful stubbornness of youth and it’s capricious emotional energy. Like the colors of the era, neither in one world or the next-Yet always moving, always changing, always falling and rising like the snow and sun on the coldest day.

Once the darkest fears of solidarity and resistance, Muscovites have created a new frontier to build their legacy, shedding nickeled iron for fashion-turning the coldest shades of history into an unwritten destiny filled with tolerance and warmth.
Click “pink wigs” to find the amazing hair in these pictures. Find her on INSTAGRAM by click @septembrenell.