The Ultimate Guide to Washing and Caring for Your Hair Toppers: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

Maintaining your hair toppers is essential to keep it looking its best and ensure its longevity. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step tutorial to help you wash and care for your hair topper with ease and expertise.

1. Brushing and Preparation of Hairpieces

Before embarking on the washing process, it’s crucial to give your hair topper a good brush. We advise brushing through the topper to remove any tangles or knots. This initial step helps prevent further tangling during the washing process.

Brushing and preparation are fundamental steps in the care and maintenance of hairpieces, ensuring they look their best and remain tangle-free. Begin by gently brushing through your hairpiece using a brush with soft bristles. Start from the ends and work your way up to the roots, being cautious not to pull or snag the hair fibers. This helps in removing any knots, tangles, or loose hairs, making the rest of the maintenance process more manageable.

Brushing your hairpiece is not only about detangling but also about evenly distributing the hair’s natural oils and preventing matting. It’s essential to perform this step regularly, especially before washing or styling your hairpiece. By taking the time to prep and brush your hairpiece, you’ll ensure that it not only looks its best but also remains in optimal condition for longer, ultimately saving you time and effort in the long run.

2. Creating a Soapy Solution

The next step involves creating a soapy solution for washing your hair topper. We recommend using a bowl of cool water and adding two squirts of high-quality shampoo. The choice of shampoo can significantly impact the outcome of your topper’s wash. Opt for a gentle, sulfate-free, and pH-balanced shampoo to prevent any damage to the hair fibers or the base of the topper. You can choose a brand called UniWigs, but feel free to choose a shampoo that suits your preferences and needs.

Creating a soapy solution is a crucial step in the process of washing and caring for your hair topper. This solution serves as the cleansing agent that will help remove accumulated dirt, oils, and styling products from the topper. We recommend using a bowl of cool water for this purpose, ensuring that the water is not too hot, as excessive heat can be damaging to the topper’s hair and base.

This solution should be enough to ensure the topper gets evenly saturated during the washing process. The soapy solution sets the foundation for an effective cleanse and prepares your hair topper for the next steps in the care routine.

3. Soaking and Gentle Scrubbing of Hairpieces

This step helps to remove accumulated dirt, oils, and styling products from the topper. Following the initial soak, you can use a small amount of shampoo to gently scrub the mono top, lace top, and wafting areas. It’s essential to be gentle during this process, as excessive rubbing or aggressive handling can lead to damage. Notice how to use your thumb to hold the part in place, ensuring the part line stays intact.

4. Rinsing and Part Preservation of Hairpieces

Rinsing your topper thoroughly is vital to remove all shampoo residues and ensure that it’s clean and fresh. While rinsing, you should continue to keep your thumb over the part line to maintain its position. Preserving the part line is essential, as it helps the topper maintain its natural appearance and prevents any shifting of the base.

5. Conditioning with Care

Avoid applying conditioner to the monotop, lace top, or hand-tied area, as these parts are more delicate and don’t require conditioning. Conditioning the ends helps keep the hair soft, smooth, and manageable. Allow the conditioner to set for about 5 minutes before gently rinsing it out.

Conditioning your hair topper with care is a crucial step in the maintenance process. As demonstrated in the video, it’s essential to apply conditioner only to the ends of the topper’s hair. Avoiding the monotop, lace top, or hand-tied areas during conditioning is essential, as these parts are more delicate and do not require the same level of moisture as the hair itself. By limiting conditioner application to the ends, you prevent any potential buildup or residue on the delicate base, ensuring it remains in excellent condition and ready to perform as intended.

Allow the conditioner to set for about 5 minutes. This short waiting period allows the conditioner to work its magic, softening the hair and making it more manageable. After this brief interval, proceed to gently rinse out the conditioner thoroughly. This ensures that your topper retains its silky, smooth texture without any excess product that might weigh it down. By following these conditioning guidelines, you help your topper maintain its quality and appearance, making it an elegant and long-lasting addition to your hair routine.

6. Drying and Styling of Hairpieces

Once your topper is thoroughly rinsed, gently squeeze out excess water. We suggest towel-drying the topper to remove as much moisture as possible. A portable wig stand is then recommended to allow your topper to air dry for the next 12 hours. The choice of a wig stand is practical, as it helps the topper maintain its shape and allows for even drying.

Drying and styling your hairpieces, including wigs, toppers, and extensions, is a crucial step in the overall maintenance routine. After washing, gently squeeze out excess water using a towel, being careful not to wring or twist the hair, which can lead to damage or tangling. To facilitate even drying and maintain the shape, it’s advisable to place your hairpiece on a wig stand. A wig stand is particularly useful as it allows proper air circulation, ensuring that your hairpiece dries more quickly and evenly.

When it comes to styling, remember that many hairpieces come pre-styled, but you can make adjustments if needed. You can use low-heat styling tools like curling irons or straighteners, but be cautious and avoid high temperatures that might damage synthetic hair. For heat-friendly synthetic or human hair pieces, you have more flexibility in styling, but it’s still recommended to use heat-protectant products. Consider using wig-specific styling products and avoid heavy or oily styling products that can weigh down the hair. Always style your hairpiece when it’s completely dry to achieve the desired look and don’t hesitate to consult with a professional stylist for more intricate styling needs. Proper drying and styling are essential for maintaining the longevity and appearance of your toppers.

By following these instructions and using high-quality products, you can ensure that your topper remains in excellent condition, ready to enhance your hair’s appearance for a long time.


Important Care Advice for Your Hair Toppers

To keep your hair toppers performing well and extending their lives, you must take care of them. This article will provide efficient ways and useful advice for taking good care of your hair toppers, from regular cleaning to appropriate storage.

Consistently clean your hair topper crown.

It’s essential to keep your hair topper clean to keep it hygienic and fresh. We recommended to use shampoos and conditioners special for alternative hair (wigs, hair toppers, hair extensions), and here are some essential actions to take for routine cleaning:

a. Spot cleaning: To stop spills and stains from soaking into the fabric, deal with them right away. Apply a clean, wet cloth and a little detergent to the afflicted area and gently blot it. Avoid using aggressive cleaners or chemicals that might scratch the hair topper.

b. Deodorizing: Sprinkling baking soda on the surface of the hair topper will help it absorb any scents. To get rid of the baking soda residue, carefully vacuum.

c. Machine Washing: Before attempting to machine wash your hair topper extension, check the manufacturer’s instructions. Some hair topper accessories are not designed to be machine washed and may need to be cleaned by a professional. If the hair topper can be washed in a machine, use a soft cycle and a light detergent, and make sure it is completely dry before using.

Please adhere to the washing directions on this blog:

How To Wash Your Human Hair Topper To Make it Last Longer

Keeping your hair topper free of allergens.

Taking extra measures to safeguard your hair topper is essential when you, a family member, or anyone else in your household has allergies. To reduce your exposure to allergens, remember these tips:

a. Use an allergen-proof cover: Invest in a premium, allergen-proof cover made just for hair topper extensions. These coverings serve as a barrier, avoiding the buildup of dust mites, pet dander, and other allergies on the hair topper.

b. Regularly Wash Bedding: To get rid of allergies, wash your sheets, pillows, and hair topper cover often in hot water. This routine aids in keeping the sleeping area tidy.

A rotating and flipping of the hair topper.

Consider rotating and flipping your hair topper frequently to maintain even use and increase its longevity. Follow these recommendations:

a. Flipping: If the pattern on your hair topper is symmetrical, do so once every several months. This aids in weight distribution and prevents drooping in particular places.

b. Rotating: Rotate your hair topper 180 degrees every few months if it is asymmetrical or has a certain orientation. This process makes sure that the hair topper maintains constant support and wears evenly.

Hair-topper storage advice

Your hair topper must be stored properly while not in use to keep its quality and form. These are some hints for storage:

a. Before putting your hair topper away, make sure it is clean and totally dry. Mold or mildew can grow as a result of moisture.

b. Use a Storage Bag: Spend money on a ventilated storage bag made especially for bedding. Plastic bags should not be used since they might retain moisture.

c. Store in a Cool, Dry Place: Look for a cool, dry location for storage that’s out of the path of the sun and high temperatures. Store your hair topper extension away from moist basements and attics.

Avoid using a heavy hair topper.

Even though the fact that your hair topper is intended to offer additional support, it is crucial to avoid applying too much weight or pressure on it. The hair topper may eventually droop or lose its form if it is very heavy. Be careful while leaping or sitting on the hairpiece because these actions might put excessive strain on your body.

Keep your hair topper extension out of direct sunlight.

The components of your hair topper may eventually decay and fade if exposed to direct sunlight. Keep your hair topper out of direct sunlight while storing or using it, or use window covers to reduce exposure. The integrity and beauty of the hair topper are preserved thanks to this approach.

Observe the hair topper’s temperature guidelines.

The function and lifetime of your hair topper might be impacted by extreme temperatures. Keep the hair topper away from sources of intense heat, such as heaters or heated blankets. The materials in your hair topper may become stiffer and less pleasant if you leave them in excessively cold temperatures. Your hair topper will remain in the best possible condition if you go by the temperature recommendations.

Professional hair topper cleaning.

It could be required to use expert cleaning services for deep cleaning or for removing stubborn stains. Professional cleaners have the knowledge and specific tools necessary to successfully manage fragile hair toppers. Before selecting a cleaning company, make sure they have expertise in cleaning mattress hair toppers and employ techniques that are secure for the particular sort of hair topper you have. You may successfully extend the life and preserve the quality of your hair topper by putting these extra suggestions into practice and combining them with the maintenance techniques already discussed.

Frequently check your hair topper.

Make it a routine to frequently check your hair topper for indications of wear and tear. Look for any rips, loose seams, or cushioning that have fallen flat. Address any problems you find right away to stop future harm. Early repair of minor damage helps sustain the functionality and durability of your hair topper.

Handle and transport the hair topper extension properly.

Handle your hairpiece delicately while moving or transporting it to prevent additional strain or damage. To guarantee safe and secure handling, enlist the assistance of a second person, if at all feasible. The hair topper should not be bent or folded excessively since doing so might lead to severe damage. Instead, roll it up or transport it in the suitable packing advised by the manufacturer.

Comply with the hair topper’s warranty guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

Review the manufacturer’s warranty paperwork and become familiar with the particular maintenance guidelines as well as any terms or restrictions. Following the warranty instructions will help you maintain the hair topper properly and prevent you from mistakenly nullifying the warranty protection.

You can extend its life, maintain its comfort, and make use of its advantages for many years to come. Your hair topper must be properly cared for and maintained to remain in great shape. You can make sure that your hair topper continues to offer the necessary comfort and support by routinely examining, and treating with care, and according to warranty conditions.

View more hair care & advice

How to wash hair toppers by June Penny

More and More women want to know tips about how to wear, how to care and how to wash a topper in the daily time. Today we want to share a video from June Penny about how to wash hair topper:

All of these toppers are all from, as a hair loss women, June is really  a professional topper wearer for care and restyle it.  If you want to find more tips or want to know more about June, check her YouTube channel named: @june penny