Hair loss is a major cause of distress in many men who experience it. With baldness at an early age becoming a common problem among men, the use of stylish human hair toupee has become quite popular these days.
Among the men who suffer from hair loss, 40-50% of people belong to the beginning stage, and there is thin hair or no hair only at the front hairline area. Men’s frontal hairpiece is the best choice for this hair loss stage.
With this product, people have no need to shave their heads to wear this piece; the only requirement is to bond this piece at the front hairline.
Note: Zeus has two hair direction options for you to choose from. One has the hair direction growing forward, while the other is directing backward. So, if you plan to expose your hairline and have a slicked-back hairstyle, then choose the “Backward Hair Direction” option. If you plan to wear the hair forward like a fringe, please choose the “Forward Hair Direction” option. When Zeus is purchased and applied, the hair direction, whether it is forward or backward, is fixed and cannot be changed. So, when you purchase Zeus, consider the hairstyle you want to achieve with it and select the right hair direction option.

So the following photos and video show the detailed appearance of two hair directions:
UniWigs Zeus Men’s Frontal Hairpiece is an affordable and comfortable one compare to the entire toupee or hair system. That’s the best choice for Men’s hair loss beginners. Now there is only 1B off black color available, more and more color options will be ready in the near future!!