When choosing hair extensions, you have to consider the hair volume and grams. Different grams for different hair volumes you have. Usually, we define three types of hair volume we have: thin, medium, and thick. Today, we will talk about how to choose and wear hair extensions for people with thick hair.
Usually, the hair extensions glam between 180g and 220g will be enough. Just think, how to weigh it would be if you wear an extension above 250g. That’s why we don’t recommend that kind of hair extensions.

So what to do if it’s thin for me?
That depends on the tips on how you wear the hair extensions.
The key is to hide away some of your own hair! This will eliminate some of the bulkiness and help to blend your own hair with the extensions.

How to wear it?
Normally if you put your extensions in according to the instructions, you would section the bottom half of your hair and then put in your extensions. If you already have thick hair that bottom layer is going to be pretty heavy and when you lift up your extensions you are going to see just this row of really short hair.

So what I’m going to show you is how you can get your extensions without that bottom layer.
First, you have to make a section at the back and braid the bottom hair. When you make the section, the position is very important: at the nape of the neck? Ear to ear? Or at the crown? That depends on how thick your hair, grasp the hair extension with one hand, and grasp your hair with another hand, compare the thickness of them, then estimate the extra hair volume of your hair compared with the hair extensions, section the extra hair with the right place.
Then make two braids for the extra hair.

Then pin both braids together. That’s good for hiding the extra hair, and also works for clipping the hair extension.
After that, you will find that your hair is not so thick.
Then you can add hair extensions as usual. If you are a perfectionist you can always straighten your hair to match the texture. But don’t forget it’s going to be super noticeable to you and not so noticeable to people who have never seen you before. So we suggest doing some curls, which would be much undetectable than straight hair.