How to keep your wig feeling super soft this season

So, it’s still a little chilly outside, and all we want to do is cosy up indoors under snuggly blankets until the sun properly returns. When we do have to leave the comfort of home and brave the outdoors, cold weather, harsh winds and snow can be damaging to our skin, our hair… and our cherished wigs! Until Spring arrives, protect your investment by considering these methods.

Use a pH Balanced Shampoo
Our skin and hair’s natural pH balance is on the acidic side, so acidic based shampoos are very good for hair! (these shampoos are the opposite to regular alkaline based shampoos which can be very drying to hair). Acidic based shampoos close the cuticle shaft of hair and keep moisture in the hair, as well as not stripping off all of the hair’s oils. Any shampoo bottle that says it is pH balanced is going to be acidic based. So, wash your wig with a pH balanced shampoo to protect it from drying out.

human hair wig
human hair wig

This may sound obvious, but conditioner makes hair soft! It protects hair from dryness. If you want to protect your investment apply a generous amount of conditioner to your wig after washing. Let the conditioner sit for 15 minutes to an hour before rinsing in mild water for a deeper condition. A hair serum applied after styling or leave-in conditioner will also give your wig long-lasting protection and shine.

uniwigs human hair wigs
uniwigs human hair wigs

It’s how you brush
Brush through your wig gently to avoid the hair becoming frizzy or ripping the hair from the wig tracks. Start brushing from the ends of the hair and work your way up. If possible, try and separate the tangles with your fingers as this is very gentle. After brushing, a light oil sheen can be sprayed onto the wig to restore lustre, this can be done on synthetic and human hair wigs.

blonde wigs
blonde wigs

Dry naturally
To let your wig air dry after a wash rather than blow drying is much better for your wig’s condition. Also make sure that the hair is completely dry before going outside in cold weather or it could freeze! Wigs are more suspectable to freezing and this can cause brittle hair and breakage. Make sure you allow plenty of time for your wig to dry, letting it air dry over night is always a good way to know it will be dry in time.


Limit heat
Heat tool styling depletes your hair of moisture. We know, we know, heat tool styling provides hair with the most sleek and flawless looks! But consider cutting down during the cooler months to notice a difference in the softness of your wig. Of course, many synthetic wigs are not able to withstand any heat styling, so be sure to double check if yours is heat-friendly.

Cover up
Cover up and protect your wig! Always check the weather before you head out the door, and if there’s any chance of rain, snow, or generally bad weather, wrap your hair or wear a hat (silk lined is best to retain the hairs moisture) or grab an umbrella.

So that is how you keep your wig protected from the cold weather until the sun returns for spring! We can’t wait!

The Do’s for dealing with Fine or Thin Hair

We know there are lot of people who are struggling with their fine or thin hair. So today, let’s talk about the Do’s for managing Fine/Thin Hair.

1.Easy does it.
Try to be as gentle as possible to your hair. Fine hair is much more fragile than thick healthy hair. When you shampoo your hair, remember to gently massage your hair and scalp instead of roughly rubbing it because it’s easy to damage the hair-especially when it’s wet.

2.Conditioning the ends of your hair.
Please try to avoid putting too much conditioner around your hair roots because this can flatten your hair more easily as the more treatment products that touch your roots, the more weight that is added, and your hair will eventually become flatter. This is why we make sure to only condition from the level of our ears on down, making sure to rinse it and leave the top half completely free of hair conditioner.

3.Cold water.
We know it sounds a bit cruel, but using cold water works very well for me. When we take a shower,we usually try to shower with not very hot water (which is really not good for your hair). We always use lukewarm water when we take a shower, and then we turn the tap to cold and rinse all the conditioner out of our hair. We feel that this process helps me to seal everything and is a lot healthier for my hair. We  know that process requires suffering a little pain at the time, but it will make a difference.

4.Gently Brush.
Please gently brush your hair from the top of your head (NOT from your roots) to the end of it by using a wide tooth comb.

5.Choose the right HAIR PRODUCT/HAIR TOPPER at
Hair toppers are new creative hair products which can help you to add hair volume on the top of your head. You can find many helpful reviews of UniWigs toppers as well as tutorials on their YouTube channel.

Find more how to tips video in our official YouTube Channel: @uniwigs